Thursday, January 10, 2008

A little hiatus...

from blogging is what I have had. It seems as though I just haven't had the time lately. I miss it.

Here's a bit of catching up. Sorry if I am a bit boring!

Last weekend I took a two day photography class which I really enjoyed. Though I really missed my boys, it was nice to spend a little time away. Since I am rarely away, I think it was nice for these guys to miss me too.

This week I tried to get my house in order. Yes. I am still catching up from Christmas. In fact, I didn't take my tree down until Monday!

This time of year generally puts me in a temporary slump. The good thing is that I know it always happens, and it doesn't last too long.

I am trying to get back into a good eating routine, as well as trying to step up my work out routine. So far so good. I hope I can stick to it.

Hope I catch a little inspiration with respect to blogging.

Since I have been spending more time taking pictures and editing them, here's a couple of new ones.


Maria said...

They look S.M.A.R.T. and really cute! So what did you learn in that class?

girlymom said...

Great pictures!! I love the close ups- my HUbby can't stand when I chop the top of the head off, but I love focusing on the face and eyes. Anyways, welcome tree is still up. I figure I missed the trash guys this week so really I have a whole nother week to get it done! Great reasoning huh.

Happy Days said...

great pictures of "brown eyes" and "fluff face"!

Zoe said...

cute kids as always. i found a class on etsy for photo editing i think i may sign up for...only $25. did you enjoy the class or your time alone more?