Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thoughts for Thursdays

Sometimes, I tend to think about the negative aspects of my day. I vent about the silly things that tic me off etc. etc. Today I thought I could reflect a little bit about something good. I truly think there is more good in the world than bad but for some reason, the bad sometimes consumes me. Today, however, I am going to focus all my attention on something positive. In that spirit, here I go....

The crossing guard at John's school is awesome. She goes way beyond, what is essential part of her job which is to to safely cross the children. She talks to all the kids, knows their names, and makes happy conversation with the students, their siblings, and their parents. Her friendly and caring attitude surely brings warmth to my day and many others, I am sure.

If you have any Thoughts for Thursdays or positive things, feel free to write about them on your blog and send me a link or comment and I will include you in this post.



Zoe said...

Now I feel guilty for having a TT that will make people mad at me. :( I love the shuttle driver at the hospital...always nice..always on always groomed.

jenny said...

i too can get consumed by the negative, especially in the workplace. something positive: my sitter. great with my son, reliable, and just nice all around. sorry, i can't think of anything right now...must be too early in the morning!

heather said...

Funny you write about the positive/negative today... after the week I've had and the last couple of post I wrote I have been feeling guilty about that and today I'm trying to whip up a "happy thoughts" post.
I made chocolate chip cookies this morning, so that should be a good start! :)