Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday's Favorites

Tis the season for my peanut butter balls. I have made several batches over the last couple of days for our church fair which is tomorrow. Peanut butter balls are surely a favorite in this house. That is why on just finished my third batch a few minutes ago (that makes 15 dozen!). Though I told those who reside in this house and also those who visit daily (Mary that's you!) they were off limits, nobody has listened. Consequently I keep pumping them out. They are just like they sound a peanut butter mixture, dipped in melted, milk chocolate to form a ball. I am told they are delicious. (I think so too, but I don't like to blow my own horn!!! lol) I wanted to include a picture but they are all packaged with ribbons and resting in the freezer until the morning. They need to be good and frozen so they won't melt at the fair. However they probably won't get the chance to melt because they'll sell so quickly! he he he...

With Christmas coming, this house will turn into a make-shift confectionery. Some other sweet favorites for this household include home-made fudge and chocolate chip cookies. I made those as well for the fair. Of course, some of the goods will remain here as they are some special favorites for my three men!


Anonymous said...

Would you mind sharing your recipe? I always make a HUGE platter of goodies for darling husband to take to work with him. I have a fantastic fudge recipe that I always make, and I would like to add something a little less rich and chocolate-y to balance it out. I don't know why I hadn't thought of peanut butter balls - I love them!

Have fun at the fair!

Zoe said...

i have never, never, never made x-mas cookies. sad isn't it?

Kelly said...

Those sound so super yummy! You MUST share your recipe!

Cindy Breninger said...

I have never had a peanut butter ball, but it sounds great! If you make any extra, just send them on over! :)

Mary said...

they are so delicious!
I have been dreaming of them since I left your house yesterday because you were mean and wouldn't give me one!
Now I have to buy them at the fair!
How about we trade before we go in........a package of my pretty pretzels for a package of your pb balls? Wanna?