Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Doctor's Office

Got this in an email today and thought it was funny. I see a physicians assistant, however the medical assistant or secretary always screens the calls, and sometimes i just don't feel like saying why I want an appointment. Here goes......


K.M.L said...

That is awesome!!!

Zoe said...

HAAA! I LOVE grouchy old men.

Mary said...

I sent you this!
I thought of cohens office as soon as I read it too! ha!

jenny said...

hahahaha! that was awesome.

AliBlahBlah said...

That's too funny. I manage a medical practice, and we get so many patients saying 'I need an appointment because I have that disease, er, you know the one, the one where you can't remember anything?'. That would be Alzheimers then. I'm just glad I don't work at a urologists!