Saturday, March 29, 2008

Your only a mother....

Yesterday was career day at my youngest son's preschool. All month long, they have been discussing different professions which were mostly public service related. The culmination of the month was yesterday's event, whereby each child brought in an item that was a clue to what they wanted to be when they are grown. I reminded my son yesterday morning that he needed to bring in an item. Upon my asking, Matt stated that he was going to bring in a basketball, because he wanted to be a basketball coach. First he asked me if basketball coaches get paid. I replied yes. Then he said, "good then that would be a good profession." Of course in his mind, there was a direct correlation between a profession and monetary compensation. While the brain of a soon to be 5 year old is continuously thinking and changing, within minutes Matthew changed his mind. He told me he was now going to be a Marine, because he had told his cousin Charlie, who is also in his class, that he wanted to be a basketball coach and therefore he thought Charlie would do the same thing. So a Marine he would be. He picked one of his dad's U.S.M.C. hats and put it in his bag.

I dropped my future jar head off at school, and continued on with my day. I went grocery shopping with Thomas in tow. I then brought all my groceries home, put them away, cleaned up a bit, played with Thomas, and then it was time to pick up Matthew. While waiting in the foyer of the preschool something on the wall caught my eye. Apparently the teachers has asked each child what their parents' professions were. I scanned the list for Matthew's name. "My mom cleans the house, and my dad is a police officer." I felt an immediate knot form in my stomach. I smiled and laughed a bit. At this point more parents arrived and where huddled around the list, waiting for their children. Matt was dismissed, and we headed home.

For a little while later, I kept thinking about Matt's description of what I do - "my mom cleans the house...." Is that really how he sums up my duties? After some contemplation, I was okay. In fact, Matt was completely correct in his statement - I do clean the house. Of course there are many more duties associated with my job as mother, but he realized one of them. He did not say my mom does nothing. No, he clearly defined one of my tasks. The role of a mother has many defining elements. While us mothers, have some common threads we all have a slightly different job description and that's okay. That being said, I still remember a comment made to my mom a number of years ago. In a family conversation, a certain someone refuted a statement that my mom made. That certain someone, who at the time was not yet a mother, said (to my mother) "you're only a mother." Clearly she was correct in her statement. My mom was, in fact, a mother but what that certain someone failed to realize is what the role of a mother encompasses - it is vast. It is huge. I often wonder how that certain someone would feel if someone referred to her as being "only a mother". Certainly she would now realize how much many duties fall under this job title!

For a good laugh and another tale of motherhood at it's finest, check out Lisa at Happy Days!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Having everything?

I clearly remember that late afternoon. I had just been married a couple of years and had not yet had any children (or at least children born yet!) I had just returned from work and needed to bake something for an event for work the next day. I couldn't find a particular recipe and therefore needed to call a certain person for it. That person had recently had a new baby. She was indeed older than me (and oh so much wiser!) or so she thought. She gave me the recipe, and then we chatted for a little while. Of course, I was asking her all about her new baby and motherhood. I was intrigued and excited to hear everything.
She then proceeded to tell me (perhaps this was her more mature brain taking over) how I should definitely wait to have children. According to her, I should wait until I had everything I wanted. "Get your house all set and buy what you want," she told me. While I am boiling just thinking of this conversation, I distinctly remember her telling me that older parents make the best parents, because they have really lived their life. According to her, they have everything their children will need and are well established - they (older parents) make better parents.

What she did not know was that I not only called her for a recipe, I was calling her to tell her that I was with child and expecting a bundle of joy in 7 months. Wow did she know how to spoil the fun! While I was not older, and I certainly didn't have my house in order - indeed, there were many more construction projects that would get done, much later. I was however, much wiser and perhaps more mature. Additionally, I DID have everything. That is everything that was important to me at that time - my greatest love!

Flash forward 8 years, and I really have everything - my 3 greatest loves. As for the perfect house and all the rest, well why sweat the small stuff when you really have everything?!?

credit for this picture goes to Mary

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Day at Castle Island....

Since I don't have much to say today, I thought I would just include a few photos from a day at the park last week!
I hope we can get many, many more park days real soon.
Until then, I am just keeping warm!!! =)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A highlight of motherhood....

I just had to share an excerpt of an email that I received from my 'lil sister, Mary. I couldn't resist posting this, as it just made me smile.
And, I found my true calling tonight. Seriously, it is way too much fun putting together easter baskets and stuffing stockings. For those two reasons alone...........I am a mother! This shit rocks! (I'm being serious too! I've had way too much quiet fun doing this tonight!)
You see, Mary is seven years my junior. Sometimes I just can't believe that she is a mother. I clearly remember the day my mom brought her home from the hospital nearly 28 years ago, on Easter morning, 1980. While years separated us when we were young, motherhood has bridged the gap between us. Now, I know she is probably laughing her butt off while reading this, (because sometimes she is just to cool!!!) it is all true. While she officially became a mother upon the birth of Thomas, her mothering began on an April 23, 2000 which was also Easter morning. This was the birthday of my son John, the first grandchild born to our family. Even at the young age of 19, Mary knew just how to lovingly care for a child. To John (and all her nephews and niece) she has not just been an aunt, she's like a second mother.
It is for all these reasons, that I am so happy that Mary can share in the special joy of motherhood!
Just think - you will have many more stockings to fill and Easter baskets to make!

Hope you had an.....

Eggcellent Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

There's no place like home....

Mary, you are not in Kansas anymore!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's all in the details....

I just couldn't resist these photos of Thomas the other day. Lately, I am all about the details. Perhaps it's because I have learned through my own boys, just how quickly time flies. Therefore, I try to take pictures of him, when his mom, Mary, is working!!! I do have a lot of fun, even though he won't take a nap to save my life these days!!!
Oh God, please sprinkle some nap dust our way. He is a good boy but he would be better if he took a nap. My house is starting to feel the pain - I need to give it some TLC (a good cleaning!!!) Oh and anyone who is reading, please pray for a nap too, I can use all the prayers I can take.
Though I realize there are more important things for which to pray.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekend Recap in Pictures....

Here is Abby dressed like an angel for our church's Easter Pageant.
John is sporting his new shirt for Saint Patty's Day. It says "Love" in Gaelic.
In case you were wondering what the mood of the party was,
Matt's face tells all!!!and of course, I can't forget William. His eyes speak volumes!!!

Yes - it was a fun night day/night.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Not the kind of preacher I know....

I was shocked dismayed and down right angry to learn about the antics of pastor, Jerimiah Wright who is also the recently retired pastor from Chicago's Trinity Church of Christ, Obama's home church. While I witnessed excerpts of his rants at the pulpit on the news yesterday, I had to do some further research. Since I did not view this tirade on a major network, I wonder if other people may have missed it. For some reason the mainstream chooses not to report these things, and I think that is scary. I am outraged by the hateful remarks which he made on the alter of his church. He is hateful, and he has been the spiritual advisor to Obama for 20 years.

In my church, my reverend preaches love and respect for all mankind. He surely does not distinguish by race, or ethnicity. He also does not discriminate against other creeds. Everyone is welcome. We are a mixed congregation. In fact, while my church is protestant and the denomination is congregational, some members of my family, are catholic. Here they are all included and not judged. Additionally, our church, shares it's space with an all black church. You may ask why they don't they form one church? The answer is simple. The black church was looking for space for its members and we had space to offer them. Our church has existed for 175 years. We are housed in a historical building, and we were happy to share our space. They still wanted to retain their own church and they do just that. All the while, we invite them to special services that we have and they do the same for us. They are all very nice people. Sure we all worship somewhat differently, but fundamentally we are the same - we believe in Jesus, and follow his teachings. We do not HATE anyone!

I think Jerimah Wright is an evil person. He promotes hate, not unity. If you haven't already witnessed his hatred ways, you can see them
here and here. In addition, he had something to say about Natalee Holloway. Nevertheless, his message speaks HATRED for the white race.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grocery Shopping.... it's an experience Part I

The task of grocery shopping brings me to a rant of some sort. Today was no exception. First and foremost, upon entering the store, Thomas and I did the grocery cart shuffle. Have you ever done this? Perhaps you question what it is? (consider yourself lucky if you've never heard of it or done it!) Without further adieu, the grocery cart shuffle is when it takes ten minutes to find a cart that works. Maybe I am just a pathetic fool, but I can never pick a working cart from the get go. Today's shuffle went this way. I pulled out the first cart and started to push it when I realized it was making a rattling sound. Though I would soon find out that this was probably the most benign of the misfit bunch, I nixed it. I proceeded to get the second cart. Oooh it looked good. The next chosen cart had wheels that looked okay. I moved it a few inches and it sounded good. Then I happened to notice some foreign substance on the baby seat - forget it. Thomas wasn't sitting in - well who knows what!?! I hoped the next try would yield more success. Upon a quick evaluation, I put Thomas in the seat. We were ready to roll, or so I thought. Nope, this was a stinker too. It had a warped wheel. Finally, (I am sweating out of frustration) the next carriage seemed fine. I put Thomas in and ugh (wtf!!!) the safety belt wouldn't clasp. Now I am po'd to say the least. Completely annoyed, I grabbed any old cart. Luckily the seat belt worked, the wheels, were smooth, and it wasn't making any funny sounds. I put Thomas in the seat, buckled him in and then tried not to think about how many living bacteria were making their residence on this cart!!! (I'll save it for another post, though) Perhaps grocery carts should have to receive inspection stickers similar to vehicle inspections. lol What do you think? Until my next grocery shopping rant....

Monday, March 10, 2008

A letter to a hoarder....

Dear Mrs X,

You said yesterday that I am "nasty, sassy, pushy, and just not nice". I am sorry that you feel this way. You mentioned the other day that this world was an awful place - that people aren't nice to one another and do not help each other. I told you that I do not agree. I do not believe everyone is bad. I like to think that I am a kind and caring, person. You replied, "sometimes you are and and sometimes you aren't." Your statements trouble me for many reasons.

Last summer when you fell and needed hospitalization, I met you in the emergency room. The next day, I bought you a new nightgown, bathrobe, and pajamas, as I felt badly that you didn't have any of your own things. While you were in the hospital, John and I continued to visit you. In fact, I repeatedly got babysitters to mind my children so that I could visit you. Additionally, John and I helped you to deal with your biggest problem - the condition of your house.

Although we have been your neighbors for ten years, you never let us see the inside of your home. We knew why, upon seeing the state of your home, when you went to the hospital. When the emergency people responded to your medical call, they saw the inside of your house. The state of your home was "unfit for human habitation". That is what the Board of Health determined after responding to your home. They condemned it until it was brought up to the health code. While I can't imagine how hard this situation was for you, John and I helped to do everything to get your house back in order. You entrusted us to do this, and in no way did we fall short. You see, when the hot summer temperatures were in the 90's we were inside of your house broiling, while trying to salvage the things that you requested. You may have forgotten, and that's probably better if you did, but there was only one narrow path trough your house. Piles of stuff fell every which way when we attempted to walk around inside. There were no clean or uncluttered surfaces. The odor was atrocious, and the filth was indescribable. Though, my anxiety level soared out of control every time I entered your house, I did not let it stop me from doing the things that needed to be done. We both stayed true to our promise to you.

During the months you were in rehab, John and I continued to visit you. We sacrificed our family time because it was the right thing to do. We took care of things that you asked us to do. John spent countless hours making phone calls, getting quotes for the work that need to be done on your house, and clearing out stuff that should be saved. All the while, the boys and I, were here. It was a very trying time for all of us. On the night of our 10th wedding anniversary, we were taking care of things for you in your house.

Through out this whole ordeal, your primary goal was to come home to your house. First and foremost, you needed to be strong enough and in the end, you were. Secondly, your house needed to be fit for human living. While it was up to you to regain your strength and get well, you left it up to us to make your home suitable for human existence. We did just that, but this was only achieved through hard work and compassion.

You arrived home and we spent time with you. In the weeks and months after you returned, I always asked if you needed items at the grocery store. In the beginning, you seemed appreciative. As the months passed you were more demanding and things were never good enough. I bought you the wrong items, I didn't go to the right store, and better yet, I don't pay attention. These are all things of which you accused me. Though you did not act gracious, I continued to call you. I tried to make pleasant conversations, but instead you continued to complain. You consistently talked so negatively.

In spite of the things you said to me yesterday, I will still call you. I will still reach out to you, as that is the Christian thing to do. I refuse to let you sour my view of elderly people, as I know this has nothing to do with growing old. I do feel badly that you have no family. I have forgiven you. While not only did you put yourself in danger by your way of living, you endangered you neighbors as well. Thankfully, the pests are now gone and your house is no longer a fire trap.

When no one else seemed to care about you, we did. I would not want my worst enemy to live in the kind of conditions, in which you were living. I am not sorry for anything I said the other day. I know we did the right thing to help you in the beginning, and our positive actions have continued. I did not cause your problems, though you blame things on me. You and your obsessive hoarding behavior have been your demise. I am sorry you can not see this.

Warm regards,


NOTE: Of course, I will never send this letter, though I wish I could. Mrs. X is an elderly woman, and I do not want to upset her.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

One stop shopping....

I am quite thankful to my brother-in-law, John, (aka Einstein) and my sister Mary. Today after church I went to their house and Einstein gave my truck a complete brake job, while Mary redesigned my blog. Mary is quite talented and seems to be able to figure out just about anything. Perhaps it's because she is married to Einstein. Additionally she has the patience of a saint, again this might have something to do with Einstein too! Just kidding. Well it was a fun day, I scored the jackpot with new breaks and a new blog.
Thanks guys!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pinewood Derby, Lent and Ice Cream

The Johns were a bit busy this past week preparing for the Pinewood Derby, a yearly Cub Scouts tradition. They worked all week on this project, and the race was last night. Though we did not have a winner, John did make one fine car. He designed it on paper beforehand then milled it, painted it, added the weight and the wheels. It had a Marine Corp theme. Though, it is fun to win, the experience was paramount. John already has ideas for next year!

Following the race we went to Friendly's for ice cream. I had to twist John's arm to order an ice cream as he has given up dessert for Lent. He did this all on his own, and has stuck by it for the last month. I convinced him it was okay, as it wasn't dessert it was to celebrate the race. It's pretty ironic that I had to convince a 7 year old to eat ice cream!

Friday, March 7, 2008

What's for lunch?!?

One might think that I do not feed this boy lunch,
by the looks of the first two pictures!

Thomas has mastered the climbing and sitting on the kitchen chairs!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Through your eyes....

This photo was from today at the park. Matt was in the tunnel.

Wind it up.....

Yesterday with a little coaxing, John agreed to walk across the street to the beach so I could play around with my camera.
His one request, of course, was taking his ball!
Well I thought that was fair
as baseball season will be here before we know it!
I guess it's all about a boy and his ball,
after all!!!
We really did have fun!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

Wordless Wednesday...

Just wondering....

I recently received an email with this message at the bottom.
Now I am all about recycling, but does this mean I should discard my printer.
How about pictures? Is it okay to still print photos?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blog Angels

A few weeks ago I did a post about "blog angels". I have only been blogging for a short while, I am so amazed by the channels of prayer that blogging provides. Though I didn't have any personal concerns at the time, things have changed. One of my sisters is going through a rough time and could really use some prayers. If you have a second and some prayers to spare, please send some along. I know she would be very grateful. I hope that someday soon we will all be laughing again.

Monday, March 3, 2008

and it started like this....

The hysteria, that is! It was Thanksgiving night in 2003. We had returned home from the festivities of the day. While I was feeding Matthew, John was helping John (little) to brush his teeth. scratch... itch... more scratching.. more itching... Yes. That is what John (little) was doing while trying to brush his teeth. While I could see all of this from the family room, I was oblivious to the situation that was unfolding. In a calm voice, John called for me to come in the bathroom. "Look at his head," he said. (note: anyone who has seen pictures of John (little) on my blog should know that his hair has been this short since he was 2 1/2!) Having said this, I viewed John's scalp, which was easily viewable considering his little high and tight. There plain as day I could see little dark specs, moving along. I could not believe what I was seeing. Yes. They were bugs!

I started to cry. I was panicked. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. These little critters had made their home in my boy's head! Well in the hours that followed, we washed his head and combed out the little eggs. This was of course, nothing I would have expected, when I took my current job as a mother. After we annihilated the little buggers in the field of John's hair. We took precautions and washed our heads too. Thankfully we were not victims and Matt was unscathed, as well.

In the aftermath of this event, I washed more items than I have ever washed in a day. Every stitch of bedding, clothes, stuffed animals, etc. were washed. The wash seemed never ending. The psychological impact lingered, of course. I felt those buggers for days. Yes I could feel them moving on my head. Though I "felt" them, they were really not there. In time, I knew they were really gone and stopped "feeling" them. There are still days, when I feel that itch and start to panic. A day never passes when I don't check the boys' heads.

I laugh now at this event. While it was certainly not funny then, it really is now. Just telling this story reminds me of how silly I was. It was really no big deal and very minor in the big picture. While I feel very lucky the bugs have not taken up residence here again, I am more grateful for that being one of the only events that made me panic since being a mom. Just thinking of this story reminds me just how lucky I am. Though I don't want those little critters to come back, if they do, we can get rid of them and they'll be gone. Really, they're just minor!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I have been procrastinating with respect to some recent tags that I have receive. While I should be hitting the sack right now, as I am quite sleep, I will fulfill by bloggy obligations first!

Here is the first one which I received from Steph at the
Daily Grind

Here are the rules:

You must post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).

J - Joy is how I feel each day with my boys, well sometimes they actually make me feel like JUMPING off the roof. Is it alright to use the letter twice?

E - Endurance is something I am trying to increase, as I am beginning to train for a half marathon.

A - Amy is my first name! I was also given the title class Angel in my high school year book!

N - Never - Since being a mother, I try not to say I will NEVER do something. Until your in a situation, you never know!

Here is the next meme that I have received from Lizzy at
Life According to Lizzy

Rules: Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you have written. Link one must be about family. Link two must be about friends. Link three must be about yourself. Link four must be about something you love. Link five can be about anything you choose. Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least two of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better.

1.This is a fun family post and one of my first posts!

2.This one is to my bloggy friends

3. Here's one I love. I love my boys, and I love the funny little things they say!

4.The jokes on me.... if you want to share the laugh it's all one me!!!

5. Here's a random post ....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A bit of inspiration......

This morning while sipping my coffee, I was watching some news. No, I was not blogging at the time! Since it was Saturday it was mostly what I call "filler" news. What do I mean by this, you might ask? Well when there isn't much news to report, (or news the media wants to report) they rerun yesterday's news or just "filler" stories.

Today they may have intended another story to be a "filler" segment, but I was pleasantly surprised - it was an amazing story! The story was about a high school boy who had tragically lost his arm in an accident when he was young. I should correct myself, because it wasn't simply about having one arm. Rather, it was about how he chooses to live his life, despite his loss. He played basketball for his high school team and he played awesome. Watching him shoot from the thee point line was fantastic. While the segment mainly focused on this boy overcoming adversity with respect to basketball, there is so much more to know about him. I realize this because my husband googled his name afterwards.
Here is a story he found on-line.

I am so inspired by his faith, positive outlook on life, and by the way he chooses to live life. While every day we are faced with negativity, it was nice to hear about something positive!