Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I do not know why this thought just popped in to my mind, but it did. I was nine months pregnant with John and at my second to last appointment before I delivered him. The doctor asked me if I had any questions or concerns. I said , "no." Then John blurted out aren't you going to ask him? I hesitated. Then he said it again. I didn't say anything. He then proceeded to tell the doctor that I had accidentally started brushing my teeth that morning with a tube of Retin A instead of toothpaste!!! "You didn't swallow it," he said. "Of course not," I replied. Then you're all set. Thanks for opening your mouth, John.

Okay, maybe the reason I remembered this was because I just ran foam hand-soap through my hair instead of my foam hair stuff! I seriously need to move stuff around so this doesn't happen again. Could it be I am starting my day all wrong- once again!!!

Here's to turning the day around and finding a little bit of sun-shine!


Mary said...

Okay that is like that bazillionth time you've confused the hair stuff with the soap! I almost made the mistake last night when I picked Thomas up and was washing my hands. I pulled your soap out a little further on purpose so noone else would do it but NO, you still did it! Good God!
And the retin A thing.......ha! That so does not surprise me! ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

My husband was banned from attending all OB appointments at one point for that exact reason - he would rat me out to the doctor for something I accidentally did, but that would have caused no harm. He actually netted me an internal exam, a swab, and orders to take it easy when I was 30-weeks pregnant with Maren for no good reason!

♥♥♥ A- Licious ♥♥♥ said...

ha! i love that - so something i would do on a GOOD

;o) Amy 2 xoxox