Sunday, March 2, 2008

I have been procrastinating with respect to some recent tags that I have receive. While I should be hitting the sack right now, as I am quite sleep, I will fulfill by bloggy obligations first!

Here is the first one which I received from Steph at the
Daily Grind

Here are the rules:

You must post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).

J - Joy is how I feel each day with my boys, well sometimes they actually make me feel like JUMPING off the roof. Is it alright to use the letter twice?

E - Endurance is something I am trying to increase, as I am beginning to train for a half marathon.

A - Amy is my first name! I was also given the title class Angel in my high school year book!

N - Never - Since being a mother, I try not to say I will NEVER do something. Until your in a situation, you never know!

Here is the next meme that I have received from Lizzy at
Life According to Lizzy

Rules: Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you have written. Link one must be about family. Link two must be about friends. Link three must be about yourself. Link four must be about something you love. Link five can be about anything you choose. Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least two of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better.

1.This is a fun family post and one of my first posts!

2.This one is to my bloggy friends

3. Here's one I love. I love my boys, and I love the funny little things they say!

4.The jokes on me.... if you want to share the laugh it's all one me!!!

5. Here's a random post ....


Robyn said...

The sport bra one was hilarious. Your boys are so darn cute. I loved the fishing photos.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Love the fishing hat!

Amber said...

I don't know why, but ever since your sister's post and also your political post, I will forever think of you as Amy JEAN Kelly. Forget Amy, or Life with the Kellys, nope your Amy Jean.

kim-d said...

I am in ABSOLUTE agreement with Scarlett, Amy JEAN Kelly. Because I have to go get mamm-handled this morning, I will be back to read your sports bra post later. I'm afraid it might be too traumatic right now...HA! Hugs & prayers...hope you got some sleep!

Michelle Leigh said...

Class angel huh?

Perfect timing for Cyber fat camp. I am thinking about doing a half marathon in the fall. Doesn't sound fun, but it's definitely great motivation!

Maria said...

You have such sweet boys:) That fishing looked like so much fun. My boys love to fish too, but I don't think they cought anything.

OHmommy said...

Your boys are so sweet! :) I can;t wait for fishing weather!

just jamie said...

Yup, I'm all about seeing you as Amy JEAN Kelly too. It's out there. Great meme.

Mary said...

Can you let me know when your 1/2 marathon training starts? Just so I'm prepared. You talked about it A LOT last year during your last trainging.

Oh crap, Lizzy tagged me for this too! I've got to do it today :)

Mom said...

Loved your answers! Thanks for playing!

Misty said...

I love ALL of this.

Zoe said...

class angel?????