Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas card out-takes....
Yesterday I did a shoot with my 'lil punks! I had a scheduled shoot later on in the morning so I got my guys up early for out shoot. It turned out to be a great day, though one of my guys was not too enthusiastic. Any takers on who that would be? lol While I got some good shots, I am not sure which one will be my card pic! I left out a couple as I don't want to ruin the surprise. Then again, I may try it one more time. Seriously I think it's much easier to have someone else shoot your children (figuratively speaking of course! BAWAHAHAHA)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Have you thanked.....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I have been MIA....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
True Sacrifice .... make no mistake about it....
Barack Obama for president, now that would be a mistake that this country can not afford!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Cooking the books and to vet or not to vet....
My blood is boiling and guess what it's ALL due to? POLITICS!!! While I love to throw pictures up here and talk about happy stuff, I am compelled to speak of so much more. I ask how many of you know that the problems we face are due to greedy, crooked, democrats!!! Once again, you will not hear about this on the mainstream media (I know you say, there she goes again!), but it's the truth. This man, Franklin Raines cooked the books or made false accounting reports on the state of Fannie May. These lies and deceptions earned him almost $90 million in six years. His deception (and others who refused to acknowledge the brewing crisis) are the leading cause of the tumultuous state of our economy. His lies and greed are costing all Americans of all socioeconomic backgrounds. How many of you know that Franklin Raines is Obama's senior advisor for economics and housing. Now I ask, did Obama vet Mr. Raines properly?!?!? Is this an issue of Obama's bad judgment, inexperience or both?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Help this girl choose....
Friday, September 26, 2008
School pictures..... NOT!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Um, what's wong here? Just in case you don't believe me. Check this out.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
If you wondering.....
I haven't jumped off any tall buildings or bridges due to politics!
No I have actually been quite busy!
I have started a new blog, in addition to this one.
Thanks Mary for creating it for me!
I will be back here soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Meet Bubba....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Things that are pricking me on my left side....
1. I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags today.
2. I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags last week too and bought more bags!
3. That so many people want "change" that they are willing to elect a president that is grossly unqualified for the job.
4. Some people actually believe what the media is throwing at them.
5. That Nancy Pelosi is going to make sure Governor Palin wasn't using her personal email for business, instead of acknowledging that someone (or people) hacked into her personal email UNLAWFULLY!!! Wait what is the actual problem here?!?!?
6. Congressman Charles Randel (D), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee which writes tax code has committed tax evasion.
7. That people really think the fact that Governor Palin has 5 children makes her unsuitable to be vice-president. A little hypocritical, don't you think?
8. That no matter what happens with this economy it will be blamed on President Bush. However, how many people actually know that President Clinton's people have been running Sallie Mae and Freddi Mac since the 1990's.
9. Additionally, Jim Johnson head of Obama's vice-president search committee has made millions as CEO of Fannie Mae.
10. Joe Biden thinks it is patriotic to accept tax increases - GIMME.A.BREAK!!!!
11. That the left wing, mainstream, liberal media fails to say that Obama is friends with William Ayers, a radical, left-wing, terrorist who was part of the Weatherman Underground. This group is responsible for the murder of a Boston Police Officer, two New York State Troopers, a bombing of the U.S. Capitol and a bombing of the Pentagon. You can pick your friends, right?!?
12. The mainstream media is slanted (just a wee bit!!!)
13. The mainstream media wants to elect the president.
14. Hope and Change are lovely words but they are just words.
15. That some people don't think morals and character really matter with respect to a president.
16. Obama has benefited greatly from Fannie Mae
17. Oh yeah, did I forget to say I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags?
Monday, September 15, 2008
A little bitch & a few summer favorites....
While some of you may be wondering why I used the "b" word -I'll tell you. You may remember this. Some times Matt confuses words with similar sounds. The other day John and I had taken Matt out to breakfast a couple of days before he started Kindergarten. Matt has some extra "salty" taste buds and always wants us to salt his food. Of course, we do not. We don't even know how his liking for salt even evolved, as we don't even have a salt shaker at the table. In any event, on this day, Matt asked John to salt his eggs. John said he didn't need any as they would taste just fine with out it. Matt went on to plead his case, asking once again. In his little convincing voice, he asked "please can I have a little salt, just a little bitch of salt!" He meant a "pinch" of salt. Hopefully his mixing up of similar sounding words will get remedied in Kindergarten!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thank goodness....
Friday, September 12, 2008
Can it get any crazier?
I am afraid it can, and probably will. Lately nothing ceases to amaze me. Each day democratic politics gets more crazy - it is spinning out of control. This sound bite is no exception. He is comparing Barack Hussein Obama to Jesus and Governor Palin to Pontius Pilate - nothing is more absurd.
The election should be based on the issues - the national security, the economy & the character of the candidates. However, it has become an election of lies and hypocrisy. The left-wing media is trying to elect the president rather than the citizens of this country. We can not let the media decide who are next leader will be. It has to stop.