Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things that are pricking me on my left side....

Yes - I said "pricking my side" as driving me crazy or aggravating the crap out of me. Okay now I can elaborate.

1. I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags today.
2. I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags last week too and bought more bags!
3. That so many people want "change" that they are willing to elect a president that is grossly unqualified for the job.
4. Some people actually believe what the media is throwing at them.
5. That Nancy Pelosi is going to make sure Governor Palin wasn't using her personal email for business, instead of acknowledging that someone (or people) hacked into her personal email UNLAWFULLY!!! Wait what is the actual problem here?!?!?
6. Congressman Charles Randel (D), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee which writes tax code has committed tax evasion.
7. That people really think the fact that Governor Palin has 5 children makes her unsuitable to be vice-president. A little hypocritical, don't you think?
8. That no matter what happens with this economy it will be blamed on President Bush. However, how many people actually know that President Clinton's people have been running Sallie Mae and Freddi Mac since the 1990's.
9. Additionally, Jim Johnson head of Obama's vice-president search committee has made millions as CEO of Fannie Mae.
10. Joe Biden thinks it is patriotic to accept tax increases - GIMME.A.BREAK!!!!
11. That the left wing, mainstream, liberal media fails to say that Obama is friends with William Ayers, a radical, left-wing, terrorist who was part of the Weatherman Underground. This group is responsible for the murder of a Boston Police Officer, two New York State Troopers, a bombing of the U.S. Capitol and a bombing of the Pentagon. You can pick your friends, right?!?
12. The mainstream media is slanted (just a wee bit!!!)
13. The mainstream media wants to elect the president.
14. Hope and Change are lovely words but they are just words.
15. That some people don't think morals and character really matter with respect to a president.
16. Obama has benefited greatly from Fannie Mae

17. Oh yeah, did I forget to say I forgot my "recyclable" grocery bags?


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I feel ya. Mostly on the forgetting the bags part. I KNOW I'm SUPPOSED to keep them in the car.

*le sigh*

Denise H. said...

AMEN! I agree with everything you said including the recyclable grocery bags. I am just hoping that all of the us who truly believe in Mccain and Palin get out and vote on election day.

Let's just keep putting it out there... Who knows us women may be able to make a difference in a few thousand votes come election day.

Mari said...

I agree with everything. I've been forgetting my bags too - makes me so mad at myself! As for politics - I'm so frustrated (again) with the media. I was just reading Newsweek and I notice how they take little snippets of when Sarah Palin says which twists the meaning. They really do want to do the electing!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ AMEN and DITTO!!!

Anonymous said...

All I am going to say is I can't wait for the election season to be over! And I HATE that I often forget my bags - which is ridiculous, because they are always in the back of my car! We do, however, reuse the plastic bags, so they are always nice to have around.

Jaime Cox said...

Get 'em, girl! I'm feeling your pain. I just can't agree with you more!
And the more I see of Biden, I think he's a jerk. His voice is just plain mean sounding....
Go FOX NEWS ladies. They'll tell you like it is:)

Robyn said...

I forgot mine yesterday too. Since You keep bring up this Ayers guy, I had to look it up according to a fact check:
The only hard facts that have come out so far are the $200 contribution by Ayers to the Obama re-election fund, and their joint membership of the eight-person Woods Fund Board. Ayers did not respond to e-mails and telephone calls requesting clarification of the relationship. Obama spokesman Bill Burton noted in a statement that Ayers was a professor of education at the University of Illinois and a former aide to Mayor Richard M. Daley, and continued:

Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.

I usually don't say anything political on your blog for fear of vengeance:), you seem to get really worked up and scare me a little. Not that its a bad thing, it is good to be passionate about it.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i forgot my darn bags too and they are sitting right beside the back door so I bought more AGGGGGG they will be put into the truck and more than likely i will drive the darn car next time i go....
as for the rest of it YES it is poking me too!

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

I am with you. I hear your rants and understand your concerns. They get my goat, too.

I was at church last night and our pastor said something that eased me so much, though. He said, "This election isn't worth our WORRY. We are instructe not to WORRY. Christ has a PLAN for us and he already knows how this is going to pan out. We as believers can sit back and know that no matter what, we can rest assured that Christ WILL come back some day and we will live in glory with Him." Amen to that. I feel better about it and don't feel a need to immediately respond when I see such one-sided media, personal attacks against Sarah Palin, and Obama propoganda. I just have to trust that I speak my mind in a clear and logical manner when I can and I have turned the TV OFF. Cuz, otherwise, I can't do all I just said I am doing.


just jamie said...

Um, zipping up on this one my friend. Have I told you lately how lovely your photos are?


Lisa said...

Oh you are such a silly girl and I love you for it. I have NEVER seen you so outspoken on anything before. So I think I can safely say you will be voting for the Republicans. Me too. But I am sick to death of how the media makes the political scene such a nasty battle. I too am a very strong Republican, but I don't believe everything I hear about either side, I don't believe every thing I read, and only about half of what I see. Keep posting your beliefs, your passion, I love it and think it is great that you do it.

Mary said...

I hate when I forget my bags too! They bundle your items so much better with those bags.

As for your political views.....rock on sista rock on! If I could articulate my words better I would write a better comment. But I can't, so I'm just going to say Amen!

Kendra said...

Miss Amy, you know I agree with you 100%! :)

William Ayers has yet to apologize for trying to blow up the Pentagon. He was a mentor of Obamas. I don’t care how you wish to spin it, it is what it is!
He has done fundraisers for Obama. He was not just someone who lived in the neighborhood that Obama met while growing up. He is obviously much more that!
Obama knew what Ayers did and still choose to befriend him, so it doesn’t matter who old Obama was when Ayers’ committed these crimes. Obama and his wife view our country negatively. And let us not forget about Jeremiah Wright and his American bashing speeches given from the pulpit.

It is so hypocritical throwing up Palin’s 5 kids. After all that is what the feminist movement is all about, working career oriented women with a family to attend to. They can do it all and save the world while at it. When Nancy Pelosi was elected into office she had all of her children and grandchildren surrounding her. And she said she was going to do the job while taking care of them.

Sallie Mae and Freddi Mac is nothing but a campaign headquarter for the democratic party. Obama can officially denounce them at this point in time because he has already received his campaign contribution from them!

Biden is a case within himself. Obama destroyed his campaign when he choose him as VP. I think Biden said it best when he said Hillary would have been the better VP choice! If there was a VP Hillary there would be no VP Sarah. I personally loved the “patriotic to accept tax increases” speech. These people actually think it is in our best interest to increase taxes. After one of the democratic debates they polled a group of people on Hannity and Colmes and they were so excited to hear tax increases from both Clinton and Obama. I will never understand this mentality.

Another thing that drives me crazy, is global warming. I love when celebs and politicians come out and tell the American people what they should be doing to save the environment. Because after all it was you, the average American who has caused this issue we now face. Then they get in there private jet and fly 20min home! Or Fly across country for an expensive haircut and then fly back to meet up with their campaign. Oh and how big is Al Gore’s home??? Yeah, huge that’s what I thought. Meanwhile, Bush’s home in Texas is one of the most environmentally thought out homes ~ Gore’s could never compare.

A huge problem is we live in a society where everyone is owed something. The mentality is “You have money, give it to me. I deserve everything you have regardless of what you have accomplished to receive it.” I am tired of the government taking my money, which I work hard for, and giving to others because the have entitlements. Americans are generous people they will give and help others out, but the government has no place taking money for one to give to another. That is stealing from the American Person.

I love this post. If conservatives would be become less spineless and stand up every once in awhile liberalism would be easy to defeat! :) (btw ~ Sorry I left such a long comment)

Anonymous said...

Amy, as always, Amen sister. Some of your readers are hitting it right on also, gonna have to check out some of these ladies blogs soon... Kendra and Angie sound like kindred spirits for sure as Anne of Green Gables would say!

Deep breathes, now go take some photos. I am off to celebrate/photograph an adoption! Three kids from foster care. God is good.

Happy Days said...

You definately were gifted with the ability to articulate your thoughts. Wish I could. As Mary said, "Rock On". I hope it helps to know there are others who agree!

Trixie Twatwaffle said...


The email hacking thing pisses me off to NO END.

I adore Sarah.

I fear if the Other Side wins, what we will be in for - I shudder to think of the tax increases.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

*looking over shoulder*

Don't tell my brother this, but

*looking again*

I agree with the majority of this post.

Gotta go. Before my brother reads this (from where he lives a whole hour and a half away) and then yells at me for being conservative when he is a bleeding-heart liberal.

We can't discuss politics. Ever. And I mean can't. He is the black sheep in the family -- he and his wife -- the democrats. *shudder* :-)

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing