Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finding the good...

Something became clear to me over the last couple of days. I have grown up thinking things are always black or white – good or bad. I know now this is not always the case. Often times there’s some gray mixed in – things can be cloudy. The same is true with people. I want to see the good things in people. I want to believe that there are some positive qualities in everyone. This may not always be true. However, if I don’t at least seek these out, I may never know. Sometimes good people make bad decisions or mistakes. This does not make them bad individuals. I want to see the good. Life is too fragile – it’s just too brief.


kim-d said...

Oh Amy JEAN...this is the kind of introspection that comes from some sort of sobering event. And I can tell you one thing for sure. The older you get, the more gray areas there are. Some things matter less, and some things matter more. It doesn't mean one has to give up values, ideals and standards. It just means one is better able to bend a bit. Life is too precious, and can be way too short, to stress over little stuff...and a lot of it is little stuff. Family and friends, people you love and who love you...that's the good stuff. And then there is some not-so-good thrown in there just so we can recognize the truly good :).

Wow. I went all philosophical on ya...Whew. Tired myself out...BWAHAHAHA!

Mari said...

That attitude goes a long way in life. People who try to dwell on the positive are far happier than those who don't.

Ness said...

I came over here from kim-d''re so right on the gray. I have always been a black and white person. Gray was intolerable. My cancer diagnosis woke me up. And I got a booster shot this evening when my husband and I watched the Nicholson/Freeman movie The Bucket List. So much gray in that movie but you know, it just didn't matter. I could see the gray loud and clear. I learned when my kids were little to choose my battles and not to burn bridges. Those thoughts have served me well and I am glad I have come to peace with the black, the gray and the white of life. Some things I'm still pretty black and white about but at least I will check out the gray and most of the time, it just doesn't matter that it's gray...I stil respect it. And I have carried on like a novel.

One last remark...I love-love- LOVE the pictures of your dancing princess. I, too, took dance lessons from ages 4-12 and it all came back to me when I saw your princess. My mother wanted a girly girl as her only child and I was a tomboy. Every year at recital time, I had a sparkly, glittery costume with glitter in my hair and she had the girly girl for a weekend. She died when I was 2 weeks from my 14th birthday and I am so glad I took tap and ballet because it brought her such joy. Hug your little dancing princess for me as she brought sweet memories to me tonight.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Getting older has its advantages--you've just discovered one of them.

just jamie said...

So, was there a catalyst prompting this lightbulb moment?

OHmommy said...

You have the best attitude.

Are You Serious! said...

♡ It's so true! Very well said! :)

Leslie Collins said...

Very good attitude.

Lisa said...

Black/white/and grey. Life is funny. I too try to see the good in all people, and usually have not been disappointed, but there ARE bad people in this world and I have met them as an officer of the law. I agree good people make bad decisions, and that does not make them bad people. That is what I tell the children I taught in DARE when their parent was in jail for drugs or something. They love that parent no matter what. And thank goodness that the evil people in this world are not that numerous. For the most part people are really good and good hearted. Here in Oklahoma we know it first hand! Have a wonderful day and thank you for such a heart felt posting.

Misty said...

I think that is an excellent outlook. I know for myself, I have a mixture of strengths and flaws. It is at those times when my flaws are apparent, that I wish people knew about my history, or the gray, if you will.....

Trust in your ability to love, because it is evident to us. Trust in your own senses to know when the effort if warranted. Listen to your "radar" when you feel an individual isn't a good fit for your, or your family.

YOU are a remarkable human being. Truly.

Mom said...

I wish everyone thought like you

Abbie said...

This is so so true! Good thoughts!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Very well said. And I truly adore your positive attitude!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


Just loved the pictures of you and hubby. You both make an adorable couple.

I loved your post here. Our pastor once said, "Black and white and sometimes grace"

I love the definition of grace, unmerited favor.

We are to look at all people through grace-colored glasses...

wonderful post Amy,


p.s. thank you for your prayers friend.

Corey~living and loving said...

his is how I live my life. I always seek to find the good. It makes for a better life for sure. :)

Robyn said...

great post. I wish I could see the gray area all the time. And I also think there is good in most people. I have seen quite a few that made very bad decisions, but knowing it was a bad decision and learning from it is what shows there is good.

Happy Days said...

It was a sobering event. Once again, looking at our beautiful angels tonight, I just can't stop crying, about him, about them. Life is crazy. Great Post!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

yes much gray out there... hugss

Gina said...

I love your attitude! Thank you for the inspiration.

Family Adventure said...

The older I get, the greyer things become. Life used to be so simple when things were just black and white...but it's a lot more interesting now. Even if it is harder...

Hope you're able to find the good.


Anonymous said...

We all keep learning. It's thew best of us who recognize we are never finished learning. God works on us right up till the end I suppose. I have had many realizations of late. I think I've been pretty overwhelmed and felt discouraged, and just when I feel like I can't take anymore I come here and find this. Ironically, the other day you came and read something I wrote and said you needed to read it. Maybe God is working through us all to help others see things we might not have seen on our own. So, thanks, cause I needed this post tonight.

Ice Cream said...

I've always thought the same thing about looking for people's positives and giving them the benefit of a doubt. But, now I'm having to face the thought of looking for the bad in someone in the name of protecting my children. It is hard to do when it isn't a stranger.