Monday, September 24, 2007

Talking to myself.....

Today while I was grocery shopping with Thomas (and apparently having a conversation with myself), a woman said, "Oh I thought you were talking to yourself. I didn't see your baby." I just smiled and continued shopping. I probably was talking to myself because I don't think he could respond to me when I was asking, "are we out of milk or do we need Popsicles?" So what if I WAS talking to myself. Am I the only one who ever does it? Last time I checked it wasn't a crime. Why do people always have to make dumb comments?

One other time I was shopping when a woman commented on how much food I had in my carriage. wtf!!! Can't people just think things without blurting everything out? Even if I made that observation, I would never think to say something.

Oh well that's enough for now. I figure its Monday, and I should purge myself of negativity now or else it will be with me all week long. Have a good day!


Zoe said...

Ava Judge does not talk. So when we are out I loke like one of those stupid tv commercials...making noises reading signs and labels to her and she gives me dirty looks and acts annoyed. People look at me like a giant freak. Especially if she happens to sign and I sign back all excited...then they look at me like "oh poor thing..her daughter is special". No she is not special she is spoiled. And quit freakin staring at me.

Heather Melzer said...

That is SO funny! I talk to Jack ALL the time like that in the store and people stare at me like "he has no idea what you're saying lady!". It's good for little ones to do that, though, so I won't stop anytime soon!

Amy said...

I won't stop talking to myself/Thomas anytime soon either. People might be talking about me but who cares?!?! Hey, that's how they learn (and we amuse ourselves).